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St. Joseph’s Medical Center

Medical centers, hospitals, and community health clinics are some of the most essential locations in any region, so when a property management team at a medical center calls, it’s all hands on deck. 

Our work at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton took equal parts roofing expertise, project management, and communication.

“The roof was beyond its lifespan, and it was time to replace it,” remarks Superintendent Marty Behrbaum. “Because hospitals run 24/7, we spent a lot of time in pre-construction meetings. We used to have like half the staff in a room, and everyone had their input, which was great because it made it easier than having to stop all the time.”

Considering budgets and hospital needs, the St. Joe’s project spanned four years. Not surprisingly, several challenges existed. Noise, dust, variable decks, and keeping out of the way were paramount.

The first section the team re-roofed is over the medical center’s ICU. 

The construction schedule was one of the hospital staff’s early concerns, so our team outsourced tear-off. “It cut about four weeks off the schedule right away,” says Marty. 

From there, the dust created while removing the rock roof needed to be as contained as possible, and the noise while working on the lightweight insulated concrete deck had to be minimized.

“We had to beat an inverted cap sheet into the lightweight concrete deck before we could adhere the insulation together,” Marty reports. “And then we started to re-roof the section.”

Our crew applied a Tremco SF system across the medical center because of its durability and solvent-free application. 

The construction and expansion of St. Joe’s happened in three or four phases, so the crews would work up to an expansion joint in the building and then pause. 

Location Stockton, CA
Client St. Joseph's Medical Center
Scope Replacement
Completed 2022
Size 50,000 square feet

The center’s east wing went much like the west wing, with the crew being cautious of dust and noise while communicating often. “Everyone knew what was happening,” Marty says. “We coordinated every phase and let them know the hours it was going to get noisy so they could prep the medical team and patients.”

Our final piece of work was in the medical center’s lower section. Given the same-day surgery and radiation therapy happening below and the center’s helipad on the deck, it was one of the most challenging parts of the job. 

“There were a lot of things happening in that area,” Marty reports, “with a lot of concern about noise, dust, and schedules. The lower section was a concrete deck, so the noise wasn’t as bad, but there were some hollow areas, and we had to be careful.”

Coordinating with the emergency helicopter service took communication and preparation to a new level as soon as the crew got one section away from the helipad.

“Everyone had a safety vest on at all times, of course, and they were required to carry a garbage bag with them to collect any debris in the area,” Marty says. “They would only give us a 20-minute warning, and we had to get any scrap or rock cleaned up so it didn’t get sucked into the rotor.”

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